Working holiday visas are a great option if you wish to work and live abroad. The Working Holiday Maker program has been designed to allow Australians to have an extended stay in a number of countries while being able to work or study during their stay.

Working holiday visas are a great option if you wish to work and live abroad. The Working Holiday Maker program has been designed to allow Australians to have an extended stay in a number of countries while being able to work or study during their stay.

Who can apply?

Applicants for the visa must be aged between 18 and 30 years old, and are able to apply to stay in the arranged country for 12 months. It is important to note that in most countries you are only able to work for 6 months and study for a short period of time also, and can not be in employment for the full 12 months of your time abroad.

Countries that participate in the Working Holiday Maker programs include; Belgium, , , Republic of , Italy, , Korea, Estonia, , France, , Hong Kong, Republic of Malta, , Norway, China, , Sweden, Taiwan, .

Who is eligible

The requirements for the Working Holiday Maker Visa and the Work and Holiday Visa are that you must hold an Australian Passport and be aged between 18 and 30 years old. You often must show that you have sufficient funds available to you to support your travels until you start working abroad and must have no dependent children.

Work and Holiday Visa

Another similar visa arrangement is the Work and Holiday Visa. This program has the same requirements as the Working Holiday Maker visa requirements listed above but also requires a letter from the Australian Government supporting your application, tertiary education, as well as specific language requirements depending on the country you are applying to.

Countries participating in and allowing Australians to apply for such visas are Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, Indonesia, , Thailand, Turkey, the United States of America and Uruguay.

To apply for a Working Holiday Maker Program or a Work and Holiday Visa head to the visa application section on the Government Website of the country in which you choose to apply. Go to and head to the visa sections for more information.