How to make money online fast, and simple ways travellers can make money online while travelling

If you’re looking to travel full time without working location-dependent jobs like working in hotels or teaching yoga or English abroad, then your laptop is a great option to make money online fast.

There are many ways to make money online fast, and in this article, I will list just some of the many ways anyone with a computer and access to the internet can do so.

There is free wifi in almost every country, think large chain restaurants, public libraries, and hotels so pack that notebook in your suitcase or backpack and start to make money online to help fund future travels.

Freelancing – make money online fast

Freelancing is a great way of having complete control over your working hours and conditions. Freelancing online is even better. If you have skills such as graphic design, writing, programming, translating or marketing then you’ll be sure to find freelance jobs online fairly easy.
Here are some links on how to find those freelancing jobs and make money online fast:

  • – this site is great for those with skills in programming and design
  • People Per Hour – this site is where people post jobs that pay per hour
  • Fiverr – this site is for a range of freelance work where everything costs $5 (not much, but it’s a good way to get an idea of the freelancing gig and build your skills)
  • Elance – this site is the biggest of freelancing sites around at the moment, with a range of different work being posted daily
  • Odesk – This site is similar to Elance, although tends to have some ridiculous ads paying $1 for a whole written article so Elance is probably the better option out of the two.

Selling Arts, Crafts and Souvenirs

Maybe you travelled through and found the most beautiful handmade wooden necklaces that you think others would love. Maybe you took a painting class while travelling or learnt how to make jewellery or knit and would like to share your handicrafts with others. Selling your goods on popular sales sites is a great way to make money online fast.

  • Etsy – create your own online store and get great exposure on the popular website.
  • eBay – an incredibly popular option to sell any kind of items.
  • Craigslist – if you’re selling locally, sites like this are great as people do not have to pay much extra for local postage, or can have the option of picking up their purchases.


Do you have a passion that you can see yourself writing about, posting photos of and sharing with others on a daily basis? If you do then you can turn your passions into a profit with the help of the internet.

Blogging has become a popular hobby/career/passion/habit with people all around the world. If you have a niche, the knowledge you can share and are willing to invest then blogging is a great option. – is a great way to start blogging. This is the most popular content management software in the world at the moment. – get your blog up and running with blue host, a supportive and helpful web host that allows one-click installs and has a 24/7 supportive online chat line if you have any questions. I personally can recommend Bluehost as a supportive and hassle-free hosting service.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is becoming more and more popular with video tutorials of almost everything being watched around the world daily, people singing, dancing, cooking, doing extreme sports and recording them to share.

Here is a list of online platforms you can upload your videos to. Make money online fast with these platforms:

  • YouTube – is the most popular video sharing site, find your niche and make your videos of value
  • Vimeo – a popular video-sharing platform
  • – if your videos are of a tutorial nature then this is where to post videos for additional views
  • – similar to YouTube on a small scale

I hope that this shortlist is helpful to anyone who travels full time, or is wishing to take up the – sure you will have to sacrifice your precious time to sit in front of your notebook or iPad.

Give up time that you would probably rather spend at the beach or exploring the new city that you have just arrived in. But you can control how much you work, where you work and what your doing – which makes it totally worth it.

You can choose to make money online fast by writing and designing freelance jobs or selling goods online. To make money online fast with blogging is most likely not possible, but if you stick with blogging and build your affiliates and readers you can build an income.