
Digital Nomads and Invisalign / Teeth Aligners – What You Should Know

Digital Nomads and Invisalign / Teeth Aligners – What You Should Know

When I first considered braces for my daughter, the thought of being tethered to an orthodontist’s office made my wanderlust heart sink. The traditional route required frequent visits, locking us into a routine that seemed incompatible with our digital nomadic lifestyle. However, the invention of teeth aligners, particularly , promised a more flexible solution. Swap out the aligners every week and keep moving. It sounded perfect. But, as I discovered, the reality isn’t always so straightforward.

Invisalign – A Dream for Digital Nomads?

Picture this: We were about to embark on a nine-month adventure in . My dentist in , where I was based here for almost one year, assured me that Invisalign was the ideal choice for my daughter’s overbite, allowing us the freedom to travel while she straightened her teeth. With dreams of tropical beaches and vibrant street markets, I was sold.

Initially, everything seemed smooth. We packed our bags, excitement bubbling over the thought of new experiences, with the bonus of my daughter’s teeth getting straighter by the week. But here’s where the plot thickens.

The Reality of Remote Orthodontics

Small orthodontic procedures can turn into a major hassle. My daughter’s overbite wasn’t monitored closely enough through our video chats with the Romanian orthodontist. She needed additional aligners to finish her treatment.

Luckily after my 9-month trip from Thailand, I was back in Europe, this time so a trip to my dentist in Romania was not too difficult. I got an additional 20 alligners sent to an address in Italy and my daughter’s smile would be back on track.

After 10 weeks in Europe, we returned to Thailand, and what had started as an overbite shifted into an underbite. Imagine my surprise when I realized our supposed seamless treatment was going off the rails.

We had to break our contract in Romania and start anew with a local orthodontist in Thailand without the ability to pop back to Romania for adjustments.

The Elastic Band Fiasco

You’d think finding someone to help in a country known for its dental tourism would be easy. Think again. My daughter’s aligner plan included the use of elastics, tiny rubber bands that hooked onto her teeth to help correct her bite.

These hooks needed to be glued onto her teeth, but they kept coming off. Despite Thailand’s booming dental industry, finding an orthodontist willing to do these minor fixes was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

We spent a frustrating amount of time and effort hunting down professionals willing to reglue these pesky hooks, overall we had to get it done three times in our nine-month stay.

I can’t imagine someone travelling the globe and having to deal with this continually.

The Importance of a Consistent Orthodontist

Lesson learned: If you’re considering Invisalign while living the life, plan to stick with the same orthodontist from start to finish. The end of the treatment is as critical as the beginning.

Aligners: Great for Simple Fixes, But Beware the Pitfalls When Travelling

Now, don’t get me wrong. Aligners can be a godsend for those of us constantly on the move. They offer a level of flexibility that traditional braces simply can’t. But here’s the kicker: They’re best suited for minor adjustments that don’t require elastics or other extras.

The way Invisalign and similar aligner brands operate, your orthodontist is incentivized to manage your treatment from start to finish. They’ve got a vested interest in seeing you through to the end, which can be tricky if your travels don’t align (pun intended) with their office hours.

Is Invisalign Right for Your Nomadic Lifestyle?

So, is it possible to straighten your teeth while hopping from one country to the next? Absolutely. But, it comes with caveats. If your orthodontic needs are minimal, aligners might just work for you. For anything more complex, be prepared for potential headaches. Ensure your travel plans can accommodate necessary visits back to your orthodontist, or at the very least, have a backup plan in place.

Lessons Learned from the Road

Reflecting on our journey, I find a mix of humour and frustration. Our experience with Invisalign was a bit like trying to herd cats—every time we thought we had things under control, something else popped up.

If you’re a digital nomad considering aligners, take my story as a cautionary tale. Do your homework, have contingency plans, and maybe, just maybe, consider if that perfectly straight smile can wait until you’re a little more settled.

About The Author

Tracey Johnson

Owner of Nomad Girl. I have been travelling on and off for the last 18 years and ran my own businesses whilst on the road. I have travelled to over 60 countries and lived for longer periods in 10 different ones. I feel like a true global citizen.

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