
How to Spend Time on the Train – Tips for Train Travellers

How to Spend Time on the Train – Tips for Train Travellers

Travelling by train is a good chance to maximize the time spent on the trip and at the same time enjoy it. No matter if you are going to work or school or just travelling for a few hours there are many things to do to pass time, to remain calm and even to work.

Here are some tips that may be useful to you to make your time useful and your train journey more pleasant.

Maximize Comfort

First of all, try to be as comfortable as possible during the train ride. That is why dressing in layers is one of the best ways to do this. Train temperatures can change and having a spare shirt or jacket would be useful if the temperature drops. Clothing free from tightness and appropriate shoes will go a long way in making a difference especially when the journey is long.

Other ways which you can improve your comfort is by carrying a travel pillow and a blanket with you. These items can help make napping or just lying down more comfortable. Also, it is recommended to pack some healthy snacks and a water bottle to ensure adequate supply of nutrients and water during the trip. It is always wise to have these essentials with you so that you are not forced to make do with what the train offers.

Engage in Mobile Gaming

Use of mobile games has rapidly grown to be a popular way of passing time while on a train. No matter if you like puzzle games, strategic thinking or action games, there is a great number of apps in the store for your smartphone or tablet. Some of the games are offline games and this is good if the internet connection on the train is poor.

However, if you are an online game lover, you can try using the fastest VPN for gaming so that you can play games with less lag and interrupted connection. A VPN can also assist you to play games that may be prohibited depending on the country you are living in. This way, you can have a non-stop gaming even when you are on a trip or have to travel from one place to another.

Catch Up on Reading

train book reading

Reading is another wonderful way of spending time on the train for one can read novels, magazines or newspapers. Take at least one or two books for the journey or better still download some e-books before the journey. Not only does reading pass the time but also an opportunity to immerse oneself in a new world or learn something new or just take a break.

Audiobooks are another great choice, especially if your motion sickness kicks in every time you read a book. All you have to do is put on your headphones and the narrator will guide you through the experience. Whether it is a novel or a non-fiction, audiobooks are a good way to pass the time listening to something interesting and at the same time learning.

Learn Something New

train mobile phone

Travelling by train is a great chance to get some new knowledge. It is advisable to download educational applications or podcasts that you find interesting. Whatever it is you want to learn, be it a new language, a period in history, or the basics of coding, there is probably an app or a podcast for that.

Another efficient way to spend the time while travelling is to take an online course. Most of the platforms provide courses that can be studied without an active internet connection, so you can progress through the material independently of your internet connection. In this manner, it is possible to transform the time spent in a train into a useful learning process.

Enjoy the Scenery

Do not leave with the impression that you are the only one who has to look out the window and see things passing by. Train travels are common and they afford great scenery that one may not be able to see if he or she is busy working. Take breaks to just open the window and look at the views, possibly even take pictures.

Listening to your favorite songs can further improve this experience especially if you are creating a playlist for the songs. Put on your headphones and listen to your favourite tunes while looking out the window, do not distract yourself. This can indeed be a very soothing part of the holiday and can help you to take your mind off things for a while.

Plan Your Trip

If you are going to a new place, it is advisable to spend time on the train planning for your trip. Before travelling, it is essential to gather information on the places of interest you are likely to visit, prepare a list of the places you would wish to visit and arrange yourself. It will assist you to plan on how to spend your time once you are in the area and not to miss any important area.

Another activity that can be fun when you are a traveller is writing in a travel journal. Write down your experience, write down what you find interesting and write down what you learn on the way. This can be useful when planning for your next trip or as a souvenir to remind you of your previous trip.

Socialize with Fellow Passengers

Last but not least, think about interacting with other people on the plane. Trains are also a good place to make new friends and hear what other people have to say about their day. Try talking to a person right beside you; you can hear some wonderful stories from them or get some helpful advice about the place you are visiting.

Social games or activities can also be another way of relating to people since it is enjoyable to engage in. Playing cards, quizzes or even a conversation can make the journey more fun and help to spend the time. Meeting other people during the trip can make your journey more interesting and become the highlight of your trip.

Train travel

So, using the tips described above, you will be able to turn a boring train trip into a rather pleasant and fruitful experience. All these activities will assist you in arriving at your destination be it for business or leisure fully rejuvenated.

About The Author

Cassandra Venzon

I am a 24 year old who has happily embraced the life of a digital nomad. From exploring the Philippine Islands to backpacking solo through Europe, I’m constantly seeking out my next adventure.

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